Insomnia Statistics
20-40% of all adults have insomnia in the course of any year |
1 out of 3 people have insomnia at some point in their lives |
Over 70 million Americans suffer from disorders of sleep and wakefulness |
Of those, 60% have a chronic disorder |
Sleep Apnea Statistics
Over 18 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea |
An estimated 10 million Americans remain undiagnosed |
Over 50% of all apnea cases are diagnosed in people aged 40 and over |
More prevalent in men than women |
4 to 9% of middle-aged men suffer from apnea |
2 to 4% of middle-aged women suffer from apnea |
Narcolepsy Statistics
Affects as many as 200,000 Americans |
Fewer than 50,000 are diagnosed |
8 to 12% have a close relative with the disease |
Affects men slightly more than women |
20 to 25% of people with narcolepsy have all four symptoms
(excessive daytime sleepiness, sudden loss of muscle function, sleep paralysis, hallucinations) |
Restless Leg Syndrome Statistics
Affects as many as 10% of Americans |
Can begin at an early age and worsens with age |
Pregnancy or hormonal changes can temporarily worsen this disorder |
Children & Sleep Statistics
Over 2 million children suffer from sleep disorders |
Estimated that 30 to 40% of children to not sleep enough |
Children require an average of 9 to 10 hours of sleep each night |
Women & Sleep Statistics
Women are twice as likely as men to have difficulty falling and staying asleep |
Pregnancy can worsen sleep patterns |
Menopause and hormone changes cause changes in sleep |
Older Adult Statistics
Over half of those over the age of 65 experience disturbed sleep |
Those over 65 make up about 13% of the US population, but consume over 30% of prescription drug and 40% of sleeping pills |
General Statistics
Adults require an average of 8 to 8.5 hours of sleep each night |
Sleep problems add an estimated $15.9 billion to national health care costs |
84 classifications of sleep disorders exist |